Anna is looking for a Studio / Apartment / Room in Wageningen

Anna is looking for: A Studio / Apartment / Room in Wageningen

  • Studio / Apartment / Room
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Female
  • 15 Immediately


I'm Anna, a student at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. This year I will do my Erasmus+ Master's Program at the Wageningen University for one semester (from September 2022 until February 2023). Will also participate in the AID, so I’d like to move in the beginning/middle of August.
Would really love to find a nice housing with cheerful neighbours for that period.

I don't really have any bad or irritating habits. I like to keep my surroundings clean, I don't smoke, am quiet, but won't say "no" to a louder party from time to time :D. I don't like to raise a stink, prefer keeping the atmosphere light and friendly.
I like different activities and am usually up to what is offered: traveling, walking, riding a bike (especially in the nature), laughing, reading, listening to music, cooking, chilling and all the other good stuff.

I speak well in English, Russian and Estonian and am planning to learn some Dutch during my stay.

If any necessary information is missing, please ask!

I am really looking forward to meeting my new friends and finding a cozy place for my stay!

All the best

General information: Anna
  Female, 26 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  5th study year Nature tourism (University)